
Many different types of plants and animals live within GPC’s controlled areas and we recognise the importance in monitoring and preserving their habitats. 

A habitat is the type of environment in which plants and animals live. They can be categorised as terrestrial, freshwater, marine and estuarine. All four habitats are found in our Gladstone, Rockhampton and Bundaberg port areas, and include: 

Biodiversity Programs: 

As part of our commitment to maintaining the health of the port’s marine environments, we have implemented many programs, including a world-leading seagrass health assessment monitoring program to protect seagrass in the Gladstone harbour. 

The following map identifies the important species and habitats and overlapping jurisdictional controls in place for the Port Curtis region and bioregion surrounding the Port of Gladstone.  

View GPC’s environmental reports regarding the habitats found in our port areas.